The Magic of a Value Ladder in Your Business: Kat Schmoyer and Megan Martin discuss how to strategically present your offerings


The Magic of a Value Ladder in Your Business


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In our last episode about Courses Vs. Memberships, we briefly mentioned value ladders and how they can help your business. Both of us LOVE talking about value ladders in businesses, so we thought we’d do a whole episode about them. Today, we’ll break down what a value ladder is and why it can be so magical for your business! To us, there’s nothing more exciting than thinking through the strategy of value ladders and offers in our businesses. We love helping each other, our students, and our listeners to determine how to build a ladder well! Before we dive into the entire episode, we want to quickly explain what a value ladder is. Essentially, it’s looking at your products and services then structuring them in a way that leads perfectly from one to the next. With that in mind, let’s dive in!

What we’re discussing today:

  • What “value ladder” means and where it came from (1:21)
  • How the value ladder is important for you as the business owner (4:40)
  • Why value ladders and sales funnels go hand in hand (6:11)
  • How this strategy matters in digital and service based businesses (9:17)
  • A reminder that building a strategic ladder takes time (10:59)
  • How Megan started in the middle of her value ladder (12:35)
  • Should products overlap in your value ladder (15:36)
  • What to consider about yourself, your products, and your biz when building your ladder (19:28)
  • How value ladders encourage business owners to create “parking lot lists” (23:09)
  • The process to determine where on the ladder your offerings go (27:25)


Read the full episode transcript HERE!

Links Mentioned in this Episode:

Courses vs. Memberships

Enneagram Types in Business

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The Magic of a Value Ladder in Your Business: Kat Schmoyer and Megan Martin discuss how to strategically present your offerings
The Magic of a Value Ladder in Your Business: Kat Schmoyer and Megan Martin discuss how to strategically present your offerings

Thanks for tuning into this episode of Talking Small Business! You’re always invited to our table and we can’t wait to catch you in the next conversation!






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I'm Megan

I'm Megan Martin, a Mama of 4 and a conversion-focused website designer by trade who helps passionate creatives own what makes them unique and turn what they know, love, do, and already have within them into what they can sell through digital products earning passive income!

I'm Kat

I'm Kat Schmoyer, biz coach, educator and host of Creative at Heart Conference! I've been called "The Calendar Girl" because of my poster size Calendar and my passion for helping visionaries like YOU find a quarterly system that makes big dreams and daily’s happen!


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