The Woman Making Money: Breaking Down Barriers in a real conversation about being the financial backbone and CEO of your business


Course vs. Membership: Which one should you choose?


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Today, we’re talking all about what you should create as a small business owner: a course vs. a membership. As two digital product educators, this is a question that we get a lot. Our students want to know what kind of setup is best for their business, along with the types of products to create. While it’s easy to look at a membership and the recurring revenue it provides, we want to break down some of the things to consider when deciding between these two digital products for your business. We’ll be discussing the commitment level that both take, your experience, and our own trials (and errors!) as digital educators, too. This is going to be a cool conversation, so let’s dive into course vs. membership: which would should you choose?

What we’re discussing today:

  • The makeup of a course (2:10)
  • What makes a membership different from a course (3:45)
  • When memberships and courses overlap (6:28)
  • Who might be perfect for creating a course (8:24)
  • When is a membership most appropriate to create (15:01)
  • Why you should consider your brand awareness when creating a membership (17:29)
  • How starting with a course can be beneficial (20:48)


Read the full episode transcript HERE!

Links Mentioned in this Episode:

The Digital Lab

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Course vs. Membership: how to decide which digital product to offer as a small business owner shared on Talking Small Business
Course vs. Membership: how to decide which digital product to offer as a small business owner shared on Talking Small Business

Thanks for tuning into this episode of Talking Small Business! You’re always invited to our table and we can’t wait to catch you in the next conversation!






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I'm Megan

I'm Megan Martin, a Mama of 4 and a conversion-focused website designer by trade who helps passionate creatives own what makes them unique and turn what they know, love, do, and already have within them into what they can sell through digital products earning passive income!

I'm Kat

I'm Kat Schmoyer, biz coach, educator and host of Creative at Heart Conference! I've been called "The Calendar Girl" because of my poster size Calendar and my passion for helping visionaries like YOU find a quarterly system that makes big dreams and daily’s happen!


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