We're competitors turned

biz BESTies.

Swapping strategy and talking small business even though we're technically competitors.

We believe small biz is better when done together.

Do you?

In 2016, we became fast friends over our shared story of growing a small business based on our passions.

She started as a wedding planner. I started as a wedding planner.

She coaches small business owners. I coach small business owners.

She knows how to scale. I know how to scale.

She has a membership. I have a membership.

But her success doesn't damper mine. It motivates me to chase my big dreams, too.

We've been competing since Day 1.

While we may share similar offers and customers, we know deep down that one cannot replace the other.

Instead of fearing the competition,
we leverage it.

there's room for BOTH of us to win.


there's room for you to win, too.

For the past 5 years,

We've been helping each other grow our businesses BTS. We talk small business on everything from how to get unstuck in our brand and marketing, what we're seeing that works right now, phony tactics we can't stand, and how to ultimately prioritize serving our customers really well. We've cheered each other on through the big launch wins and supported each other during days when we weren't sure if our businesses would survive the latest setback.

Side-by-side and (almost) daily Vox message-by-message, we've grown 6 and multi-6 figure businesses we love that fuel our creativity and fully support our families. We've brought our husbands home from corporate America and live the entrepreneur life we've always dreamed of. 

We know small business.

We know what it takes to make big dreams happen.

And now we're bringing you
into the conversation.

I'm Kat

I'm Kat Schmoyer, biz coach, educator and host of Creative at Heart Conference! I've been called "The Calendar Girl" because of my poster size Calendar and my passion for helping visionaries like YOU find a quarterly system that make dreams and daily’s happen!




I'm Megan

I'm Megan Martin, a Mama of 4 and a conversion-focused website designer by trade who helps passionate creatives own what makes them unique and turn what they know, love, do, and already have within them into what they can sell through digital products!


explore our shop

get the 411

Ever wish you could phone a seasoned biz friend to get the insider secrets on what it really takes to grow a successful small business?

10 things we would do NOW if we were starting our biz from scratch.

download the free guide (no opt-in required!):

Save yourself years of trial + error and learn the EXACT strategies we'd put into practice from DAY 1 if we were starting all over again today!

curious? Read the free guide now!

No opt-in required!


The episode that started it all

Our story of finding friendship as entrepreneurs and how we got to talking on the daily.

Best Friends with the Competition: Our Story and how we handle hard conversations.

episode 1: