How to Come Up with An Idea for A Digital Product: tips from Megan Martin and Kat Schmoyer on Talking Small Business podcast


How to Come Up with An Idea for A Digital Product


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Today’s episode of Talking Small Business is for the business owners out there who want to make a digital product to sell – or maybe already have one out in the world. Megan has built her whole business on the idea of selling digital products, so we’ve put her in the hot seat yet again. We’ll be picking her brain about how to build a digital product that you’re passionate about, but that your customers will also want to purchase. After all, the point of digital products and shops is to increase revenue! Megan seriously has a hidden talent when it comes to digital products. She could sit with anyone and help them figure out the perfect product to offer, it’s amazing! So, let’s dive into how to come up with a digital product as a business owner!

What we’re discussing today:

  • Where do you generate ideas for digital products? (2:35)
  • Why looking inward should be your first step when creating a digital product (4:18)
  • A permission slip and a reminder that you don’t have to sell a product forever (7:45)
  • The “Selling your sawdust” approach (9:05)
  • How to let others inform you what you should create without having to ask the whole world (14:15)
  • Why you should brain dump every single idea you have about what you could create/teach (19:18)
  • The reality of passive income (19:48)
  • How to know whether it’s your product or idea that might need course correction (26:52)
  • Tips to stay focused on the product you’re creating in that moment (31:34)
  • Why starting a shop right away might not be the best idea (34:21)


Read the full episode transcript HERE!

Links Mentioned in this Episode:

The Digital Lab

Revenue Ripple

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How to Come Up with An Idea for A Digital Product: tips from Megan Martin and Kat Schmoyer on Talking Small Business podcast
How to Come Up with An Idea for A Digital Product: tips from Megan Martin and Kat Schmoyer on Talking Small Business podcast

Thanks for tuning into this episode of Talking Small Business! You’re always invited to our table and we can’t wait to catch you in the next conversation!






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I'm Megan

I'm Megan Martin, a Mama of 4 and a conversion-focused website designer by trade who helps passionate creatives own what makes them unique and turn what they know, love, do, and already have within them into what they can sell through digital products earning passive income!

I'm Kat

I'm Kat Schmoyer, biz coach, educator and host of Creative at Heart Conference! I've been called "The Calendar Girl" because of my poster size Calendar and my passion for helping visionaries like YOU find a quarterly system that makes big dreams and daily’s happen!


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